Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Are you a mindful eater?

Are you a watching-the-TV-while-eating-dinner kinda person, or do you sit at the table with your loved ones, truly present in the moment, finding out about everyone's day and enjoying what you're putting in your mouth?

I have to admit I'm guilty here when it comes to 'mindless eating'.
I eat my lunch at my desk most days. And I eat dinner in front of the TV much of the time.

So what's the big deal you may ask? I mean, I love watching the TV while eating dinner. And I find I can get more done at work if I eat at my desk.

Well, when we multi-task while eating we're not truly present, in the moment. We don't think about what we're putting in our mouth and we often are too distracted to pay attention to the sensation of 'feeling full'. Thus leading to overeating and bloating. Hello, entire block of chocolate, or whole pack of chips totally devoured! Maybe next time try switching the box off and having something to eat while sitting at the dining table, or outside in the fresh air. See how it makes you feel, how you enjoy the food you're eating, and the amount you end up eating.

Not only can mindful eating help you keep those extra kilos at bay, but it has also been shown to help reduce stress, improve digestion and allow you to thoroughly enjoy each and every bite that goes in your mouth.
And you know what? It means that instead of sitting in a silent trance while watching your favourite TV show, you can connect with the family and be thankful for the day that has been.

Are you a mindful eater?

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