Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Living in the fog of thyroid disease

For those who suffer from thyroid disease you will understand what I mean when I talk about the 'fog'.

It can feel like you need a decent night's sleep. Or a double strength cappuccino. It makes you feel dazed and you struggle to focus on what's going on around you.

The fog can make you feel stupid. And lost. By the time you walk to the kitchen you forget what you went there for. You stop mid sentence when telling a story and forget what you were talking about.

I used to have a brilliant memory. I could recall things from years back that people had totally forgotten about. Now I find I can forget something that was said to me yesterday.

The fog is probably one of the worst side effects of thyroid disease to me. It is something that I am yet to control and it is something that makes me feel helpless, confused.

The only way I know how to deal with it in the best way possible is to do the following:

  • ensure I get an adequate amount of sleep
  • try not to overload myself with too many tasks at once
  • work on my listening skills when having a conversation with someone. While the fog isn't something I have control of, it is important that I try to focus and listen to the person I am speaking with at the time
  • cutting back on refined foods, including sugar, has made me feel less 'foggy'
  • exercising on a regular basis helps to clear the mind and create focus
I'm sure as time goes on I will learn how to deal with things better. For now, I want to put it out there. I want others who suffer to know that it's ok, that they're not alone.
It's a common side effect that is not often talked about, or accepted by medical practitioners. We are told that as long as our levels are in the normal range there is nothing else that can be done.
I will continue to research and find ways to improve my side effects. I know there is a better sense of normal out there for me.

What's your experience with 'the fog'?

1 comment:

  1. If your thyroid disease is properly treated you have no higher risk of developing other kinds of illness. Desiccated bovine thyroid capsules are the best solution.


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