Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sweet weekend - when it's ok to just stop

This week I ran myself into the ground. I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary, but I crashed and burned. A sore head followed a sore throat and I felt like I could sleep for years. Well, 12 hours to be exact. And it was wonderful.

Suffering from AI disease means that from time to time I find I have days like this. I fall in a heap.

Although it has been many years now since I was diagnosed, it is only recently that I have taken notice of this. Really listened to my body and just stopped.

I slept... and rested... and basically did nothing for a day. And I feel so much better for it.
In the past, before I learned to listen to my body, I would just keep going until I got really sick.
Now, I know that I just need to stop. And it's perfectly ok.

How often do we really listen to our bodies. Many of us run on empty much of the time. Work, then kids, then cleaning, then cooking, then running from here to there... Who has time to rest, right?
AI disease or not, we all know when we can push ourselves more, and when it's time to just stop.
Learning to listen to our bodies is something we are should be doing.
Rest is important, not only for our health, but our entire well being.

Do you listen to your body when it tells you to stop? 

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