Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What running has taught me

I never thought I would actually learn anything from running.
I mean, isn't it just a matter of one-foot-in-front-of-another?

When I decided to start running again I knew it wasn't going to be easy. It had been a while since I ran, and I knew I was pretty damn unfit.
Surprisingly though, only a little over 2 weeks in and I'm already up to 27 minutes non-stop! I'm not fast by any means. I pounded around 3.6k of pavement in this time. But I have to say I'm a tad proud of what I have already achieved.

So while I was pretty unfit when I started, I'm not as bad as I thought, and it wasn't actually as hard as I thought either.
Mind you, I have been running every second day. Without fail.
Rain, hail or shine I'm out there. Pushing myself as hard as I can.

So then what have I learnt so far from running?
  • I love running in the rain.
Last week while the skies were opening up, I strapped on my runners and headed off. 
The rain came down and I kept running. I'm sure people thought I was crazy as they drove past me, but that just made me love it more. It made me feel tough. Like a real bad arse runner. 
I was soaked through and through by the time I got home, and I have to say the shower afterwards was awesome.
  • Many of us don't know what our bodies are actually capable of.
A couple of weeks before I started on the couch to 5k program I attempted a quick jog through the park on my own. I lasted all of about a minute. Then my mind took over. I struggled big time. I talked myself out of going on. I thought 'I'm way too unfit to run, I'll just stop now'. And I did.
Then, when I started on the program, I was surprised to find I could run 5 minute intervals with ease. Then 8 minutes, then 20 minutes... Each time I knew I could do more. I told myself that I could do it and I actually could.
Let your mind get in the way and you'll fail. Simple.
  • Running is the best thing when you feel too tired to run.
It might sound stupid but it's really quite simple. Running leaves me on a high. As long as I ensure I get enough sleep and eat well I feel good. I feel healthy and energetic and much, much better than when I simply sit on my arse.
  • Running is addictive. 
I think I have become one of those people. You know the ones. When you're heading home from an extra long night out on the town, and your cab passes one of those crazy people out of bed and running at 6am. You night is only just ending and their day is already starting. What the???
Well, I'm not exactly up and running at 6am, but I have the same passion as those crazy early-Sunday-morning-runners. I look forward to running. I get a rush from it.

So with only a week-and-a-half to go 'til the Mother's Day Classic I'm feeling good. I reckon I'm going to make it. Yay me! 

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