The whole idea of
quitting sugar in the past would have freaked me out.
I'm a sweet tooth, always have been.
It's not like I didn't think I could do it (I am a pretty stubborn woman, you know), but I didn't think it would be easy.
And you know what? It kinda has been.
The key was simple. Cut out sugar, add in fat.
Now, tell me this a few months ago and I would've thought you were crazy.
I was aware of just how bad sugar was, I just wasn't aware of just how good it made fat look when you compared the two.
Now, let me get this straight, right off the bat. I'm not saying I have been gorging myself on deep fried spring rolls, bacon and hot chips. I have been using foods that are 'full fat' to fill me up when I would normally turn to food that were high in sugar. We're talking cheese, milk, nuts, good oils (coconut, virgin olive oil etc.) and avocado here.
Put simply, fat and protein satisfy your hunger, they fill you up.
Sugar (fructose), on the other hand, is not recognised by our bodies. So we keep eating... and eating... and eating... (how many of us out there actually stop at one square, or one row of chocolate?) It is converted straight to fat.
So if we stick to good fats and protein, we eat less as we fill up quicker.
I have found that this has most certainly been the case for me.
I have been eating less than normal, I no longer have the 3 o'clock sugar cravings, and I feel less bloated.
You see one massive myth out there is that fat makes you fat. It doesn't.
The fat in our bodies isn't the same as the fat we eat. As a matter of fact, we need good fats in our diet in order for our body to function properly.
As mentioned earlier this week in my posts on
milk, I have switched my occasional skinny-cappuccino to full cream. I am also having things like nuts and cheese as snacks throughout the day.
I can't say I have lost a great deal of weight (perhaps just a little) but I am feeling better for it. I am eating less and I am enjoying the food I'm having. I don't really feel like I am missing out on anything and to me that's a really important thing.
What are your tips for cutting out sugar?