Monday, March 28, 2011

When I grow up...

Turning 30 made me stop and look at my life and how much I had achieved over the past 10 years or so.
I was pretty happy with where I was. I was married to the love of my life, we have our house, and I have a decent job. But you know what? It's not always the things people see on the outside that make you feel like you're 'ok' when you hit the next big milestone in life.

While I consider myself to be happy, I feel as though something is missing.
I still don't really know what it is that I want to be when I grow up.
That may seem silly to some, as surely by 30 I would have my shit worked out right? But some of you out there will totally feel me on this one.

We take paths in our lives that, looking back 10 years ago, wouldn't have necessarily been the ones we would have chosen for ourselves. But the thing is we have no idea where our lives are going to take us, and I guess we just have to sit back and enjoy the ride.

Sure, there are the exceptions of those that have left high school, graduated from uni, and now work in the industry they studied in all those years back. Some even in the exact same job that they were in all those years back when they graduated and joined the work force.

But that certainly 'aint me. I have studied nursing, business advertising (this one I actually graduated from), jewellery design, and life coaching. And now I work in marketing and recruitment. Hmmmm...
Now when I think about going back to study, or making any kind of work-life change, I feel as though I have left it too late. Sure, 30 is still young, but giving up a decent salary to become a student again is out of the question as those bills simply won't pay for themselves. And then there's part-time study. Now 6 years isn't exactly my idea of fun... And what if another course only leads to more confusion? Or no job at the end?

So what then?
Well, I'm still trying to work that out really. I have hit a time in my life when I am starting to do things that make me feel good, not only about myself, but about what I'm putting out there to others. That's why I started this blog really. To get my thoughts out there and write about what I'm passionate about.
I have no doubt that I'm on the path to whatever it is that I'm meant to be doing and one day I'll get there.
For now, I'll keep doing what I'm doing and I'm sure one day the universe will give me a helping hand (or shove) in the right direction.

What do you want to be when you grow up? Are you living your dream or just living the 'in-between'?


  1. You and I were only having this discussion about not knowing what we want to do when we grow up the other day. Let me know when you figure yours out, I may well be able to copy!

  2. Was in a nightmare up until a couple of years ago. The "bad decision" type - a road that is basically a dead end but you refuse to open your eyes and see it. I was lucky enough to get help and get out of it. Now I'm eternally grateful for what has been done for me and focus on positivity.

    Looking back, the most important thing I should have done was listening to my heart and do as my intuition whispered to me. Struggling and trying to bend life wasn't what I was supposed to do. The thing is you don't have to "see" what your future will be like. You have to lead your life and enjoy every day to its fullest. Be positive, constructive and good things will come back at you. I hope.

  3. Very, very true kpriss! One step at a time hey? :)


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