Thursday, March 10, 2011

Tea time - green

Many people's fave, green tea is awesome to sip on all day long.

Discovered thousands of years ago in China, green tea is said to have been discovered by Shien Non Shei, who, whilst out walking one day, accidentally tasted the juices from a leaf of a tea plant. He loved the taste and even felt the tea had special medicinal properties.
Another legend suggests it was in fact an Emperor called Shen Nung who discovered tea when a blossom fell into a cup of hot water he was drinking.
Whatever the story, I'm sure us green tea drinkers are ever grateful for the discovery!
Back then, all tea was green, and it was only years later that black, red and oolong tea was discovered.

So what exactly are the health benefits, if any, to drinking green tea you ask?

  • Increases metabolism

  • Reduces the risk of heart diseases and heart attacks

  • Assists in the prevention of cancer

  • Reduces the level of cholesterol in blood, improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad

  • It is used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

  • Improves immune function

  • Now, for those who avoid caffeine in their diets, it's important to be aware that green tea does contain caffeine. However, compared to coffee, which has over 100 mg of caffeine, green tea contains between 30 and 60mg. Something to keep in mind if you're brewing up a big pot after dinner and wondering why you can't get to sleep...

    Personally, green tea is my favourite tea by far. I love it and I could drink it all day long! I have even replaced my morning coffee with a nice cup of green tea.

    Do you drink green tea?

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