Monday, December 13, 2010


Omega-3 fatty acids - what are they you ask, and why should I be so interested in something that sounds like it's as good for me as a trip to KFC?

Also known as linolenic fatty acids, our bodies require omega 3s for physical development and overall health and well being.
Research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
Not only that, a diet rich in omega-3 can result in the improvement of skin conditions such as dandruff and eczema, or dry, brittle nails and dull hair.
Personally I have found that my skin has become clearer and brighter when I make sure I am having an adequate amount of omega-3 in my diet.

Unlike other nutrients, our bodies can't make omega-3s so we need to make sure we eat the right kind of foods to get an adequate amount.
Adding omega-3 rich foods such as linseeds, fish, chia seeds and omega-3 added eggs (that's right, look out for free-range eggs in your nearest supermarket with the benefit of added omega-3!) is imperative to a healthy diet.

While getting the nutrient direct from the source is usually best, many people find adding a fish oil supplement to their diet can also benefit. Fish oil either comes in a liquid or tablet form. I personally like the liquid form as you have to take far less to get the full recommended dosage in comparison to the tablets.

Try adding some into your diet and let me know how you go!

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