Friday, December 17, 2010


If you've recently been on a course of antibiotics, or if you're feeling a little off in the tummy you might just be in need of some balance between the good and bad bacteria that live there.

In everyones stomach are billions of good and bad bacteria. Bad bacteria release a toxic substance that can cause problems with digestion, constipation and bloating.
However, if we ensure the number of good bacteria are high in our stomach we are helping the good fight the bad and therefore avoiding such issues.

So how can we ensure we keep our bellies swimming in good bacteria?
One simple and effective thing we should all do is ensure we consume enough foods containing good bacteria. Sounds simple huh?
Well really it is.
What foods contain these good bacteria? Yoghurt, Japanese Miso, Tempeh and some cheeses are best.
The other good tip is to add a daily probiotic supplement to your diet.
You can buy good quality probiotics from most pharmacies. Simply pop one each day and you'll have a regular dose of the good stuff.

The other thing to keep in mind (and this is possibly the most important part) is when you are on a dose of antibiotics it's a good idea to up your intake of probiotics.
When we take a course of antibiotics the whole purpose is to kill off bacteria in our bodies that's causing us to be sick. The only thing with this is that antibiotics can't tell the difference between good and bad bacteria so they end up killing off both!
Probiotics ensure we are replacing the good and maintaining harmony in our gut.

Of course not all stomach problems can be fixed with the addition of probiotics to your diet. If you have ongoing or severe problems of course I recommend you speak to your doctor.

Do you take probiotics? Have you seen great results?

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