Monday, January 10, 2011

10 sweeter-living tips for a healthy 2011

I have always struggled with my weight, and health issues like thyroid disease certainly haven't helped my battle over the years.
You could say I have been on pretty much every diet out there, and while I have dropped a decent amount on a couple of them in the past (and surprisingly not put it all back on - diets are notorious for quick loss, but not necessarily sustainable loss!) I have now yo-yo'd my way into my almost-30's and I'm sick and tired of it!
So, as part of my 'fresh start to 2011' and the year I bid my 20's farewell, I have included some healthy tips that I try to use on a regular basis in my lifestyle to kick those final kilos I have to lose and hopefully they'll be helpful to you as well.

1. Include protein in your meals
Protein fills you up and gives you long lasting energy that helps you burn fat, not muscle.
Try to add some protein with each meal you have.
Think fish, chicken, eggs and occasional lean red meat

2. Drink lots of water
Drinking water is great to hydrate your body but it also fills you up and helps flush out all those nasties in your body.
Drink at least 2 litres a day. My tip is to try to down 1 litre before lunchtime and 1 after. If you drink lots in the afternoon and night, then you'll find you're having to get out of bed in the middle of the night to rush to the loo!

3. Get moving
This is an obvious one I know.
Aim for around half an hour each day. Try to mix it up so you don't get bored.
Think walking the dog, yoga, boxing class, dancing, interval training (alternating walking with short runs). This year I'm going to try yoga!   

4. Cut back on your sugar
This is a really important one. Many of us have issues with sugar addiction and may not even be aware of it.
Sugar is in so many things these days and many people think when something has 'fat free' on it, it means 'good for you'.
The thing is that many products that have 'fat free' on them have a truck load of sugar instead. Sugar simply turns into fat if we don't burn it off so this is a big one to keep in mind!
If you're a sugar addict (yep, my hand is up on this one!) start looking at ingredient labels on products and start to get familiar with how much sugar is in things. A good start is to simply cut back your sugar intake by half and you'll probably see changes.   

5. High in fat doesn't necessarily mean bad for you!
Ok so this is one many people aren't aware of. There are numerous types of fats out there an some are in fact really good for us.
Good fats lower our bad cholesterol and increase the good stuff!
Now I don't mean going out and eating a Big Mac is ok! Try adding foods like avocado, nuts and extra virgin olive oil to your diet.          

6. Eat less, more often
Having 2 or 3 big meals a day often means over eating due to hunger in between. By trying to eat 5-6 small meals a day you're avoiding overeating and you'll find you're full for longer.

7. Avoid artificial sweeteners 
Many people (me included in the past) think by replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners like Splenda, Equal and Nutrasweet you're doing the best thing possible for your body.
While there's lots of controversy surrounding artificial sweeteners I say give them the flick and stick to natural ways of sweetening things if absolutely necessary.
Think raw honey, agave or xylitol.  

8. Give the grog the gong
Alcohol. God love it, is bad, bad, bad for us when trying to keep our weight down.
While the occasional glass of red does have its benefits, the short story when trying to loose those extra          kilos is to give it the flick altogether. Sometimes easier said than done I know, but just keep it in mind before your next big night out on the town...

9. Bulk up your meals with veggies
There's no need to be hungry when watching what you're eating. Pile up the veggies on your plate to keep you fuller for longer. You'll start to feel great in no time!      
Think 'all you can eat' = vegetables
Eat loads of greens and limit high sugar veggies like corn, carrot, potatoes and peas.          

10. Eat s...l...o...w...l...y
Ok, so this is one I am still trying to learn.
Eating slowly means you digest your food better and get that full feeling before you find you've stuffed yourself silly. A good rule is to put your knife and fork down in between bites.
It can take 20 minutes to feel full so another tip is to eat 'til you're 80% full. Once 20 minutes has gone by you'll be feeling super satisfied.        

What are your tips for watching what you're eating?                                                    

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