Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sweet weekend - Getting back what you put in

Friendships come and go. You can find new ones that are fleeting and old ones that feel like you know every part of someone.

Recently I've found myself thinking a lot about my friendships, how they make me feel, and what I get out of them.

You see, my thoughts on any kind of relationship, whether it be a partner, a friend you have known since your school days, or the work colleague you gossip with on your lunch breaks, every relationship should have something you get out of it.

Obviously you need to put in as well. I mean, people need to want to be friends with you too!

But taking the time to reassess friendships and think about what they mean to you, and what you get from them, is something I think everyone should do from time to time in their lifetime.

I remember 'breaking-up' from friends when I was younger and the reasons for the split being something along the lines of 'she's been mean to me' or 'she didn't invite me to her birthday party'. Not really a thoroughly thought through decision mind you but hey, I'm talking the importance of things to a 14 year old here!
Then all of a suddent you hit your 'sensible adult life' (hmmm.... debatable on whether I'm actually there 100% of the time mind you!) and you begin to judge your friendships much differently, and rightly so.

Take the person you call your bestie. The one you would call on and no matter what they'd be there for you in a second. Well, when you think of what you get out of that relationship you might think of how they would drop anything for you if you needed them, that they always touch base to see how you are, that they pop in for coffee when they can, that they organise girls nights out every couple of months.
Whatever it is, I'm sure you have something great that you get back from it. And I'm sure you put in just as much (if not, perhaps that's something you should think about?)

So what if you have friendships in your life that when you think about what you actually get out of them you find yourself stuck?
Are you the one who always organises catch-ups? Are you always the first to call them?
Is the only thing that seems to be tying you to this person the fact that you have known them for half your life? Or that you work with them and so you see them every day? Or that you see them on a regular basis because you share the same friends?
Sometimes, just because you see them on a regular basis doesn't exactly mean you get something out of the friendship.

And then there's the way they make you feel when you do see them. Do you leave feeling happy, relaxed and reassured? Or do you feel agrivated and drained?
If you get negative feelings after seeing or chatting to a friend that's a huge red flag right there!

Friendships are sacred, and as I get older (and perhaps wiser???) I have come to realise that it's not necessarily the number of friends you have, but the quality of the few you do.

What's your thoughts on getting back what you put in with your friendships? Have you ended friendships on this basis before?  

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